
Publications from the Gilbert Lab
(lab members, Gilbert lab grad students, undergraduate or high school students)

full EEPD book coverGilbert, G.S. and I.M. Parker. 2023. The Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Disease. Oxford University Press. 311 pp.  ISBN:9780198797883  OUP   Amazon   Google Books  Google Play

This is a true learning tool. I can’t wait to use it in introductory plant pathology courses and to share it with the public when they say, “You’re a what? Plant pathologist?” – Alejandra Huerta, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, USA

Essential reading for students of all levels: from the scientifically curious layperson to the seasoned specialist. – Charles Mitchell, Professor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

This treatise is impressive in its comprehensive and understandable introduction to the basic biology of diverse plant pathogens, and the complex interactions that they have with their plant hosts. There is a lot to learn and think about in this book! – Steven E. Lindow, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA

In Inoculum (Mar 2024, Mycological Society of America) by Terry J. Torres Cruz.

In Quarterly Review of Biology (June 2024, 99(2):108) by Rodrigo P. P. Almeida.

In Plant Science Bulletin (Aug 2024: 105-107) by A.N. Schulz.

In The Biologist (Sep 2024, Royal Society of Biology) by Alex Waller, FRSB

International Tree Mortality Network. 2025. Towards a global understanding of tree mortality.  New Phytologist 

Lynch, S.C., E. Reyes-Gonzalez, E.L. Bossard, K.S. Alarcon, N.L.R. Love, A.D. Hollander, B.E. Nobua-Behrmann, and G.S. Gilbert. 2025.  A phylogenetic epidemiology approach to predicting the establishment of multi-host plant pests.  Communications Biology 8:117.

Detka, J., M. Jafari, M. Gomez, & G.S. Gilbert. 2025. Machine learning vs. empirical models: Estimating leaf wetness patterns in a wildland landscape for plant disease management. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 362, 110392.

Korycki, A., C. Yeaton, G.S. Gilbert, C. Josephson, and S. McGuire. 2025. NeRF-accelerated ecological monitoring in mixed-evergreen redwood forest.  Forests 16(1): 173.

Lynch, C.C., F. Na, E. Reyes-Gonzalez, E. Bossard, K.S. Alarcon, A. Eskalen, and G.S. Gilbert. 2024. Wood microbiome variation and interactions with fungal symbionts of invasive ambrosia beetles. Phytobiomes

Journé, V. plus 99 coauthors.  2024. The relationship between maturation size and maximum tree size from tropical to boreal climates. Ecology Letters 27:e14500

Abrego, N. plus 113 coauthors. 2024. Airborne DNA reveals predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi. Nature .

Ovaskainen, O. plus 111 coauthors. 2024. Global Spore Sampling Project: A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA. Scientific Data, 11(1), 561.

de Souza Leite, M., McMahon, S.M., Prado, P.I., Davies, S.J., Adalardo de Oliveira, A., De Deurwaerder, H.P. Aguilar, S., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Aqilah, N., Bourg, N.A., Brockelman, W.Y., Castaño, N., Chang-Yang, C-H., Chen, Y-Y., Chuyong, G., Clay, K., Duque, A., Ediriweera, S., Ewango, C.E.N., Gilbert, G.S., Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N., Gunatilleke, C.V.S., Howe R., Huaraca Huasco, W., Itoh, A., Johnson, D.J., Kenfack, D., Král, K., Leong, Y.T., Lutz, J.A., Makana, J-R., Malhi, Y., McShea, W.J., Mohamad, M., Nasardin, M., Nathalang, A., Parker, G., Parmigiani, R., Pérez, R., Phillips, R.P., Šamonil, P., Sun, I-F., Tan, S., Thomas, D., Thompson, J., Uriarte, M., Wolf, A., Zimmerman,J., Zuleta, D., Visser, M.D., L. Hülsmann. 2024. Major axes of variation in tree demography across global forests. Ecography e07187

Hülsmann, L., … Gilbert, G.S., … & Hartig, F. (52 authors). 2024. Latitudinal patterns in stabilizing density dependence of forest communities. Nature

Rojas, D. and G.S. Gilbert. 2024. The response of Botrytis cinerea to fire in a coast redwood forest. International Journal of Plant Biology 15: 94–101.

Gilbert, G.S., S.G. Carvill, A.R. Krohn, and A.S. Jones. 2024. Three censuses of a mapped plot in coastal California mixed-evergreen and redwood forest.  Forests  15: 164;

Delavaux, C.S. … G.S. Gilbert … C. Averill (75 authors). 2023.  Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity.  Communications Biology

Detka, J., H. Coyle, M. Gomez, and G.S. Gilbert. 2023. A drone-powered deep learning methodology for high precision remote sensing in California’s coastal shrubs.  Drones 7:421

Qiu, T., … G.S. Gilbert, … and J.S. Clark (95 authors). 2023. Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients. Nature Plants

Cummings, J.A., I.M. Parker, and G.S. Gilbert. 2023. The influence of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on growth of the invasive C4 grass Saccharum spontaneum. International Journal of Plant Biology 14, 474–482.

Bogdziewicz, M., … G.S. Gilbert, … and J.S. Clark (95 authors). 2023. Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees.  Global Ecology and Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/geb.13652

Nguyen, B.H., G.S. Gilbert, and M. Rolandi. 2023. A Bio-mimetic leaf wetness sensor from replica modeling of leaves. Advanced Sensor Research

Gilbert, G.S., A. Diaz, and H.A. Bregoff. 2023. Seed disinfestation practices to control seed-borne fungi and bacteria in home production of sprouts. Foods 12:747

Liu, X., I.M. Parker,  G.S. Gilbert,  Y. Lu, Y. Xiao, L. Zhang, M. Huang, Y. Cheng, Z. Zhang, and S. Zhou. 2022. Coexistence is stabilized by conspecific negative density dependence via fungal pathogens more than oomycete pathogens. Ecology 103 (12):

Gilbert, G. S. and I. M. Parker. 2022. Phylogenetic distance metrics for studies of focal species in communities: quantiles and cumulative curves. Diversity 14:521

Qiu, T., T. Andrus, M.C. Aravena, D. Ascoli, Y. Bergeron, R. Berretti, … G.S. Gilbert, … & J. S. Clark (103 authors). 2022. Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery.  Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-12.

Journé, V., R. Andrus, M.C. Aravena, D. Ascoli, R. Berretti, D. Berveiller, G.S. Gilbert, … & Clark, J. S. (94 authors). 2022. Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients. Ecology Letters 25(6): 1471-1482

Parratt-Fernández, S.,  M-Á. Chaparro-Domínguez, & G. S. Gilbert. 2022. Discursive strategies for climate change reporting: A Case Study of The Mercury News.  Environmental Communication 10.1080/17524032.2022.2048043.

Sharma, S., R. Andrus, Y. Bergeron, M. Bogdziewicz, D. C. Bragg, D. Brockway, N. L. Cleavitt, B. Courbaud, A. J. Das, M. Dietze, T. J. Fahey, J. F. Franklin, G. S. Gilbert, C. H. Greenberg, Q. Guo, J. Hille Ris Lambers, I. Ibanez, J. F. Johnstone, C. L. Kilner, J. M. H. Knops, W. D. Koenig, G. Kunstler, J. M. LaMontagne, D. Macias, E. Moran, J. A. Myers, R. Parmenter, I. S. Pearse, R. Poulton-Kamakura, M. D. Redmond, C. D. Reid, K. C. Rodman, C. L. Scher, W. H. Schlesinger, M. A. Steele, N. L. Stephenson, J. J. Swenson, M. Swift, T. T. Veblen, A. V. Whipple, T. G. Whitham, A. P. Wion, C. W. Woodall, R. Zlotin, and J. S. Clark. 2022. North American tree migration paced by climate in the West, lagging in the East. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2116691118.

Gonzalez-Akre, E., C. Piponiot, M. Lepore, V. Herrmann, J. A. Lutz, J. L. Baltzer, C. Dick, G. S. Gilbert, F. He, M. Heym, A. I. Huerta, P. Jansen, D. J. Johnson, N. Knapp, K. Kral, D. Lin, Y. Malhi, S. McMahon, J. A. Myers, D. Orwig, D. I. Rodríguez-Hernández, S. Russo, J. Shue, X. Wang, A. Wolf, T. Yang, S. J. Davies, and K. J. Anderson-Teixeira. 2021. allodb: An R package for biomass estimation at globally distributed extratropical forest plots. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Harrower, J.T. and G.S. Gilbert. 2021.  Parasitism to mutualism continuum for Joshua trees inoculated with different communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from a desert elevation gradient.  PLoS ONE

Qiu, T., … G. S. Gilbert, … and J. S. Clark (61 authors). 2021. Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2106130118.

Zhong, Y., C. Chu, J. Myers, G. Gilbert, J. Lutz, J. Stillhard, K. Zhu,… & J. Zimmerman. 2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature Communications 12, 3137.

Sousa, D., J. B. Fisher, F. Fomero Galvan, R.P. Pavlic, S. Cordell, T.W. Giambelluca, C.P. Giardina, G.S. Gilbert, F. Imran-Narahari, C.M. Litton, J.A. Lutz, M.P. North, D.A. Orwig, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, & R. P. Phillips. 2021. Tree canopies reflect mycorrhizal composition. Geophysical Research Letters.

Clark, J.S. + 62 others.  2021. Continent-wide tree fecundity driven by indirect climate effects. Nature Communications. 12(1):1242

Davies, S.J. + many.  2021.  ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network. Biological Conservation 253:

Lynch, S. C., A. Eskalen, and G. S. Gilbert.  2020. Host evolutionary relationships explain tree mortality caused by a generalist pest-pathogen complex.  Evolutionary Applications

Jiang, F., J.A. Lutz, Q. Guo, Z. Hao, X. Wang, G.S. Gilbert, Z. Mao, D.A. Orwig, G.G. Parker, W. Sang, Y. Liu, S. Tian, M.W. Cadotte, and G. Jin.  2020.  Mycorrhizal type influences plant density dependence and species richness across 15 temperate forests.  Ecology

Lynch, S.C. 2020. A Statewide Strategic Initiative to Control Fusarium Dieback –Invasive Shot Hole Borers in California. Invasive Species Council of California  250 pp.

Crandall, S., N. Saarman, and G.S. Gilbert. 2020. Fungal spore diversity, community structure, and traits across  vegetation mosaic.  Fungal Ecology 45: 100920.

Liu, X., Chen, L., Liu, M., García–Guzmán, G., Gilbert, G. S., & Zhou, S. 2020. Dilution effect of plant diversity on infectious diseases: latitudinal trend and biological context dependence.  Oikos  DOI: 10.1111/oik.07027.  

Shen, Y., G. S. Gilbert, W. Li, M. Fang, H. Lu, and S. Yu. 2019. Linking aboveground traits to root traits and local environment: Implications of the plant economics spectrum. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:

Liang, M., X. Liu, I. M. Parker, D. Johnson, Y. Zheng, S. Luo, G. S. Gilbert, and S. Yu. 2019. Soil microbes drive phylogenetic diversity-productivity relationships in a subtropical forest. Science Advances 5:eaax5088

Glenn T.C., T.W. Pierson, N.J. Bayona-Vásquez, T.J. Kieran … G.S. Gilbert, S.P. Hubbell, and B.C. Faircloth. 2019. Adapterama II: universal amplicon sequencing on Illumina platforms (TaggiMatrix) PeerJ 7:e7786

Grove, S., N. P. Saarman, G. S. Gilbert, B. Faircloth, K. A. Haubensak, and I. M. Parker. 2019. Ectomycorrhizas and tree seedling establishment are strongly influenced by forest edge proximity but not soil inoculum. Ecological Applications:e01867.

Harrower, J. and G. S. Gilbert. 2018. Context-dependent mutualisms in the Joshua tree–yucca moth system shift along a climate gradient. Ecosphere 9(9):e02439. 10.1002/ecs2.2439

Parker, I.M. and G.S. Gilbert 2018.  Density-dependent disease, life history tradeoffs, and the effect of leaf pathogens on a suite of co-occurring close relatives.  Journal of Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13024

Lutz, J. A., T.J. Furniss, D.J. Johnson, S.J. Davies, D. Allen, A. Alonso, … G.S. Gilbert, … & E.M. Blomdahl. 2018. Global importance of large‐diameter trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography.  DOI: 10.1111/geb.12747.

Harrower, J., J. Parker, M. Merson. 2018. Species Loss: Exploring Opportunities with Art-Science.  Integrative and Comparative Biology, icy016

Crandall, S. G. J .L. Ohayon, Luz A. de Wit, J.E. Hammond, K. L. Melanson, M. M. Moritsch, R. Davenport, D. Ruiz, B. Keitt, N. D. Holmes,H. G. Packard, J. Bury, G. S. Gilbert & I. M. Parker. 2018. Best practices:social research methods to inform biological conservation, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 25:6-23  DOI: 10.1080/14486563.2017.1420499.

Gilbert, G. S. 2017. Can 100 must-read papers also reflect ‘who’ is ecology? Nature Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0444-8.

Crandall, S.G.  and G.S. Gilbert. 2017. Meteorological factors associated with abundance of airborne fungal spores over natural vegetation.  Atmospheric Environment

Schweizer, D. 2017. Stakeholder perceptions on governance for the protection and increase of forest cover in the Panama Canal Watershed. World Development Perspectives 6:11-13.

Wills, C., K.E. Harms, T. Wiegand, R. Punchi-Manage, G.S. Gilbert, D. Erickson, W.J. Kress, S.P. Hubbell, C.V.S. Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke.  2016.  Persistence of neighborhood demographic influences over long phylogenetic distances may help drive post-speciation adaptation in tropical forests.  PLoS ONE 11(6):e0156913.

Short Gianotti, Anne G., J. Harrower, G. Baird, and S. Sepaniak. 2016. The quasi-legal challenge: Assessing and governing the environmental impacts of cannabis cultivation in the North Coastal Basin of California.  Land Use Policy 61: 126-134.

Gilbert, GS., JO Ballesteros, CA Barrios-Rodriguez, EF Bonadies, ML Cedeño-Sánchez, NJ Fossatti-Caballero, MM Trejos-Rodríguez, JM Pérez-Suñiga, KS Holub-Young, LAW Henn, JB Thompson, CG García-López, AC Romo, DC Johnston, PP Barrick, FA Jordan, S Hershcovich, N Russo, JD Sánchez, JP Fábrega, R Lumpkin, HA McWilliams, KN Chester, AC Burgos; EB Wong, JH Diab, SA Renteria, JT Harrower, DA Hooton, TC Glenn, BC Faircloth, SP Hubbell. 2016.  Use of sonic tomography to detect and quantify wood decay in living trees.  Applications in Plant Sciences.    Supplemental Materials  AAAS EurekAlert Press release Version en Español

Langridge, S. 2016.  Social and biophysical context influences county-level support for collaborative watershed restoration: Case Study of the Sacramento River, CA, USA.  Ecological Restoration 34:285-296 doi: 10.3368/er.34.4.285

Liang, M., X. Liu, G. S. Gilbert, G. S., Y. Zheng, S. Luo, F. Huang, and S. Yu. 2016.  Adult trees cause density-dependent mortality in conspecific seedlings by regulating the frequency of pathogenic soil fungi. Ecology Letters  doi: 10.1111/ele.12694

Young, H.S., Parker, I.M., Gilbert, G.S., Guerra, A.S. and Nunn, C.L. 2016. Introduced Species, Disease Ecology, and Biodiversity–Disease Relationships. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Gilbert, G.S. and I.M. Parker. 2016. The evolutionary ecology of plant disease: a phylogenetic perspective. Annual Review of Phytopathology 54:549-578 doi: 10.1146/annurev-phyto-102313-045959.

Liu, X., M. Liang, R. S. Etienne, G. S. Gilbert, and S. Yu. 2016. Phylogenetic congruence between subtropical trees and their associated fungi. Ecology and Evolution  doi: 10.1002/ece3.2503

Lynch, S., A. Eskalen, and G.S. Gilbert. 2016. Risky decisions in managing exotic invasive pests: The case of Fusarium Dieback and its shot hole borer vectors.  California Invasive Pest Council Newsletter 24(2):10-13. PDF

Valdovinos, F., B. Brosi, H. Briggs, P. Moisset de Espanés, R. Ramos-Jiliberto, and N. Martinez. 2016.  Niche partitioning due to adaptive foraging reverses effects of nestedness and connectance on pollination network stability. Ecology Letters 19:1277-1286.

Schweizer, D., R. Aizprúa, and G.S. Gilbert.  2016. Early successional understory communities show idiosyncratic phylogenetic patterns in Neotropical silvicultural plantations.  Forest Ecology and Management  372: 28-34.

Briggs, H. M., L. M. Anderson, L. M. Atalla, A. M. Delva, E. K. Dobbs, and B. J. Brosi. 2016. Heterospecific pollen deposition in Delphinium barbeyi: linking stigmatic pollen loads to reproductive output in the field. Annals of Botany 117:341-347.  doi: 10.1093/aob/mcv175

Bryce, C., V. Baliga, K. De Nesnera, D. Fiack, K. Goetz, L. Tarjan, C. Wade, V. Yovovich, S. Baumgart, D. Bard, D. Ash, I. Parker, and G. Gilbert. 2016. Exploring models in the biology classroom. American Biology Teacher. 78 (1):35-42 (written by GK-12 SCWIBLES Fellows, Teacher, and Faculty) doi: 10.1525/abt.2016.78.1.35

Parker, I.M., M. Saunders, M. Bontrager, A.P. Weitz, R. Hendricks, R. Magarey, K. Suiter, and G.S. Gilbert. 2015. Phylogenetic structure and host abundance drive disease pressure in communities. Nature 520:542-544. doi:10.1038/nature14372

Gilbert, G.S., H. Briggs, and R. Magarey. 2015.The impact of plant enemies shows a phylogenetic signal. PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123758

Anderson-Teixeira, K. J. + 107 coauthors. 2015.  CTFS-ForestGEO: a worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change. Global Change Biology 21:528-549.

Brosi, B. and H. Briggs. 2013 Single pollinator species losses reduce floral fidelity and plant reproductive function. PNAS 110: 13044-13048. PDF

Lyon, B.E. and G.S. Gilbert. 2013. Rarely parasitized and unparasitized species mob and alarm call to cuckoos: implications for sparrowhawk mimicry by brood parasitic cuckoos. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125(3): 627-630.  PDF

Toju, H., S. Yamamoto, H. Sato, A.S. Tanabe, G.S. Gilbert, & K. Kadowaki. 2013. Community composition of root-associated fungi in a Quercus-dominated temperate forest: “codominance” of mycorrhizal and root-endophytic fungi. Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.546. PDF

Schweizer,D., G.S. Gilbert, & K.D. Holl. 2013. Phylogenetic ecology applied to enrichment planting of tropical native tree species. Forest Ecology & Management 297:57-66 PDF

Cummings, J.A., I.M. Parker, & G. S. Gilbert. 2012. Allelopathy: a tool for weed management in forest restoration. Plant Ecology 213: 1975-1989. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., R. Magarey, K. Suiter, and C.O. Webb. 2012. Evolutionary tools for phytosanitary risk analysis: phylogenetic signal as a predictor of host range of plant pests and pathogens. Evolutionary Applications DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2012.00265.x

Langridge, S. M. 2011. Limited effects of large-scale riparian restoration on seed banks in agriculture. Restoration Ecology 19:607-616. PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and I.M. Parker. 2010. Rapid evolution in a plant-pathogen interaction and the consequences for introduced host species. Evolutionary Applications 3:144-156 PDF

Gilbert, G.S., E. Howard, B. Ayala-Orozco, M. Bonilla-Moheno, J. Cummings, S. Langridge, I.M. Parker, J. Pasari, D. Schweizer, S. Swope. 2010. Beyond the tropics: forest structure in a temperate forest mapped plot. Journal of Vegetation Science 21:388-405    PDF   appendices

Méndez, V. E., E. N. Shapiro, and G.S. Gilbert.  2009. Cooperative management and its effects on shade tree diversity, soil properties and ecosystem services of coffee plantations in western El Salvador.  Agroforestry Systems 76:111-126 PDF

Springer, Y. P. 2009. Do extreme environments provide a refuge from pathogens? a phylogenetic test using serpentine flax. American Journal of Botany 96:2010-2021. PDF

Springer, Y. P. 2009. Edaphic quality and plant-pathogen interactions: effects of soil calcium on fungal infection of a serpentine flax. Ecology 90:1852-1862. PDF

Bergemann, S.E., M.A. Smith, J.L. Parrent, G.S. Gilbert, and M. Garbelotto. 2009. Genetic population structure and distribution of a fungal polypore, Datronia caperata (Polyporaceae), in mangrove forests of Central America. Journal of Biogeography. 36: 266-279 PDF

Bradley, D.J., G.S. Gilbert, and J.B.H. Martiny.  2008. Pathogens promote plant diversity through a compensatory response.  Ecology Letters 11:461-469 PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and I.M. Parker. 2008. Porroca: an emerging disease of coconut in Central America.  Plant Disease 92:826-830 English.PDF   Español.PDF

Gilbert, G.S., J. Gorospe, and L. Ryvarden. 2008. Host and habitat preferences of polypore fungi in Micronesian tropical flooded forests. Mycological Research 112:674-680. PDF

Bidartondo, M. I., + 256 coauthors. 2008. Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319:1616-1616.

Parker, I.M. and G.S. Gilbert. 2007. When there is no escape: the effects of natural enemies on native, invasive, and noninvasive plants.  Ecology 88: 1210-1224. PDF   Appendices

Morris, W.F., R.A. Hufbauer, A.A. Agrawal, J.D. Bever, V.A. Borowicz, G.S. Gilbert, J.L. Maron, C.E. Mitchell, I.M. Parker, A.G. Power, M.E. Torchin, D.P. Vázquez. 2007. Direct and interactive effects of enemies and mutualists on plant performance: a meta-analysis. Ecology 88:1021-1029 PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and C.O. Webb. 2007. Phylogenetic signal in plant pathogen-host range. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 104:4979-4983 PDF

Gilbert, G.S., D.R. Reynolds and A. Bethancourt. 2007. The patchiness of epifoliar fungi in tropical forests: host range, host abundance, and environment. Ecology 88:575-581 PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and D.R. Strong. 2007. Fungal symbionts of tropical trees. Ecology 88:539-540. PDF

Mendez, V., E., S.R. Gliessman, and G.S. Gilbert. 2007. Tree biodiversity of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119:145-159  PDF

Springer, Y. P. 2007. Clinal resistance structure and pathogen local adaptation in a serpentine flax-flax rust interaction. Evolution 61:1812-1822. PDF

Webb, C.O., G.S. Gilbert, and M. J. Donoghue.  2006. Phylodiversity dependent seedling mortality, size structure, and disease in a Bornean rain forest.  Ecology 87(7): S123-S131 PDF

Mitchell, C., A. Agrawal, J. Bever, G. Gilbert, R. Hufbauer, J. Klironomos, J. Maron, W. Morris, I. Parker, A. Power, E. Seabloom, M. Torchin, D. Vázquez 2006.  Biotic interactions and plant invasions. Ecology Letters 9:726-740 PDF

Reynolds, D.R. and G.S. Gilbert.  Epifoliar fungi from Panama.  2006. Cryptogamie Mycologie 27:249-270. PDF

Springer, Y., B.A. Hardcastle, and G.S. Gilbert. 2006. Soil calcium and plant disease in serpentine ecosystems: A test of the pathogen refuge hypothesis.  Oecologia 151 (1): 10-21 PDF

Gilbert, G. S. and I. M. Parker. 2006. Invasions and the regulation of plant populations by pathogens. Pages 289-305 in: M.W. Cadotte, S. M. McMahon, and T. Fukami (Eds.) Conceptual ecology and invasion biology: reciprocal approaches to nature. Springer.

Gilbert, G. S. 2005. The dimensions of plant disease in tropical forests. Pp. 141-164.  in D.R.F.P. Burslem, M.A. Pinard and S. Hartley (eds.) Biotic Interactions in the Tropics. Cambridge University Press.  PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and D.R. Reynolds. 2005. Nocturnal fungi: Airborne spores in the canopy and understory of a tropical rain forest.  Biotropica 37(3): 461-463 PDF

Reynolds, D. R. and G. S. Gilbert. 2005. Epifoliar fungi from Queensland, Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 18: 265-289. PDF    Appendices

CenTREAD Working Group. 2005. Farmers and the forest: Can agroforestry actually conserve biodiversity?  Review of Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes. Schroth, G., G. A. B. da Fonseca, C. A. Harvey, C. Gascon, H. L. Vasconcelos, and A-M. N. Izac, (eds.). 2004 Island Press.  Conservation Biology 19: 2043-2044 PDF

CenTREAD Working Group.  2005. Making Parks Work: a thought provoking argument but not a guide. Review of  Making Parks Work: Strategies for Preserving Tropical Nature (2002) by Terborgh, J., C. Van Schaik, L. Davenport, and M. Rao, (Eds.)  Conservation Biology 19:279-281 PDF

Parker, I.M. and G.S. Gilbert.  2004. The evolutionary ecology of novel plant-pathogen interactions.  Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics.  35: 675-700 PDF

Parrent, J.L., M. Garbelotto, and G. S. Gilbert.  2004. Population genetic structure of the polypore fungus Datronia caperata in fragmented mangrove forests.  Mycological Research 108:403-410 PDF

Ferrer, A. and G. S. Gilbert. 2003. Effect of tree host species on fungal community composition in a tropical rain forest in Panama. Diversity and Distributions 9:455-468 PDF

Bradley, D. J., G. S. Gilbert, and I. M. Parker.  2003. Susceptibility of clover species to fungal infection: the interaction of leaf surface traits and environment.  American Journal of Botany 90:857-864 PDF

Reynolds, D.R., G.S. Gilbert, & A. Bethancourt.  2003. Canopy fungi.  Pages 144-145 in Y. Basset, V. Horlyck, & S.J. Wright (eds.) Studying Forest Canopies from Above: The International Canopy Crane Network.  Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UNEP.

Carman, J. & G. Gilbert. 2003. Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus. Organically allowable control methods and the need for an organically allowable adulticide. California Certified Organic Farmers Magazine, Fall 2003: 10-11 PDF

Gilbert, G.S. 2002. Interacciones entre microorganismos y plantas (Interactions between microorganisms and plants)  Pages 435-463 in M. Guariguata and G. Kattan (eds.), Ecología y Conservación de Bosques Tropicales (Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Forests, in Spanish). Libro Universitario Regional, Cartago, Costa Rica. Free eBook en Español    English.PDF

Gilbert, G.S. 2002. Evolutionary ecology of plant diseases in natural ecosystems.  Annual Review of Phytopathology 40:13-43 PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and W.P. Sousa. 2002. Host specialization among wood-decay fungi in Caribbean mangrove forests Biotropica 34:396-404. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., M. Mejía-Chang, and E. Rojas.  2002. Fungal diversity and plant disease in mangrove forests: salt excretion as a possible defense mechanism. Oecologia 132:278-285. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., A. Ferrer, and J. Carranza.  2002. Polypore fungal diversity and host density in a moist tropical forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 947-957. PDF

Proyecto Porroca.  2002. Mapa de la Comarca de Kuna Yala (Map of the Indigenous Reserve of Kuna Yala).  First complete, published map of the islands and towns of the Kuna people, in Kuna Yala, Panama.  Produced by Proyecto Porroca (G.S.Gilbert, I.M. Parker, and E. Soo). PDF 3.4MB

Arnold, A.E., Z. Maynard, and G. Gilbert. 2001. Fungal endophytes in dicotyledonous neotropical trees: patterns of abundance and diversity. Mycological Research 105:1502-1507. PDF

Gilbert, G.S.,  K. E. Harms, D. N. Hamill,  S. P. Hubbell, and R. B. Foster. 2001. Effects of seedling size, weather, seedling density, and distance to nearest conspecific adult on 6-year survival of Ocotea whitei seedlings in Panamá. Oecologia 127: 509-516. PDF

Arnold, A.E., Z. Maynard, G.S. Gilbert, P.D. Coley, and T.A. Kursar.  2000. Are tropical fungal endophytes hyperdiverse?  Ecological Letters 3:267-274. PDF

Goodell, K., I.M. Parker, and G.S. Gilbert.  2000. Biological impacts of species invasions: Implications for policy makers.  Pages 87-117 in Caswell, J. (ed.), Incorporating Biological, Natural, and Social Sciences in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards in International Trade.  Washington DC: National Academy Press.

Gilbert, G.S., E. Soo, and I.M. Parker.  1999. La Porroca.  Una nueva enfermedad del cocotero en Kuna Yala y Panama (Technical bulletin in Spanish and Kuna on an emerging disease of coconut in Panama) (technical brochure).

Patiño, S., G.S. Gilbert, G. Zotz, and M.T. Tyree.  1999. Growth and survival of aerial roots of hemiepiphytes in a lower montane tropical moist forest in Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology 15:651-665. PDF

Travers, S.E., G.S. Gilbert, and E.F. Perry.  1998. The effect of rust infection on reproduction in a tropical tree (Faramea occidentalis). Biotropica 30:438-443. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., N. Talaro, C. A. Howell, and A. Symstad.  1997. Multiple-scale spatial distribution of the fungal epiphyll Scolecopeltidium on Trichilia spp. in two lowland moist tropical forests. Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 2158-2164. PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and D. De Steven.  1996. A canker disease of seedlings and saplings of Tetragastris panamensis (Burseraceae) caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea in a lowland tropical forest.  Plant Disease 80: 684-687. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., J.L. Parke, J. Handelsman, and M.K. Clayton.  1996. Use of cluster and discriminant analyses to compare rhizosphere bacterial communities following biological perturbation. Microbial Ecology 32:123-147. PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and M. Mejía Chang (editors). 1996. Manual para las Investigaciones de Biología de Campo (Manual of Biological Field Research) (2nd edition), Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá. 107 pp.

Gilbert, G.S. and S.P. Hubbell.  1996. Plant diseases and the conservation of tropical forests.  Bioscience 46: 98-106 PDF

Guariguata, M. and G.S. Gilbert.  1996. Interspecific variation in rates of trunk wound closure in a Panamanian lowland forest.  Biotropica 28: 23-29. PDF

Gilbert, G.S.  1995. Rain forest plant diseases: the canopy – understory connection.  Selbyana 16:75-77.  PDF

Gilbert, G.S., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster.  1994. Density and distance-to-adult effects of a canker disease of trees in a moist tropical forest.  Oecologia 98: 100-108.  PDF

Gilbert, G.S., J. Handelsman, and J.L. Parke.  1994. Root camouflage and disease control.  Phytopathology 84:222-225. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., J.L. Parke, M.K. Clayton, and J. Handelsman.  1993. Effects of an introduced bacterium on bacterial communities on roots.  Ecology 74:840-854. PDF

Griffin, D.H., K.E. Quinn, G.S. Gilbert, C.J.K. Wang, and S. Rosemarin.  1992. The role of ascospores and conidia as propagules in the disease cycle of Hypoxylon mammatum.  Phytopathology 82:114-119. PDF

Wetterer, J., S. Shafir, L. Morrison, K. Lips, G. Gilbert, M. Cipollini, and C. Blaney.  1992. On- and off-trail orientation in the leaf-cutting ant, Atta cephalotes (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 65:96-98. PDF

Gilbert, G.S., J. Handelsman, and J.L. Parke.  1990. Role of ammonia and calcium in lysis of zoospores of Phytophthora cactorum by Bacillus cereus strain UW85.  Experimental Mycology 14: 1-8. PDF

Gilbert, G.S. and F.E. Kurczewski.  1986. Soil nutrient effects on goldenrod galls formed by Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae).  Entomological News 97: 28-32. PDF