The Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Disease

EEPD book coverWe are excited to announce the publication of our new book, The Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Disease, by Gregory S. Gilbert and Ingrid M. Parker.  Published by Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198797883  OUP   Amazon   Google Books  Google Play

Understanding the symbiosis between plants and pathogenic microbes is at the core of effective disease management for crops and managed forests. At the same time, plant-pathogen interactions comprise a wonderfully diverse set of ecological relationships that are powerful and yet so commonplace that they often go unnoticed. Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are increasingly exploring the terrain of plant disease ecology, investigating topics such as how pathogens shape diversity in plant communities, how features of plant-microbe interactions including host range and mutualism/antagonism evolve, and how biological invasions, climate change, and other agents of global change can drive disease emergence. Traditional training in ecology and evolutionary biology seldom provides structured exposure to plant pathology or microbiology, and training in plant pathology rarely offers depth in the theoretical frameworks of evolutionary ecology or includes examples from complex wild ecosystems. Aimed at graduate students and advanced undergraduates, this novel textbook seeks to unite the research communities of plant disease ecology and plant pathology by bridging this gap.

This is a true learning tool. I can’t wait to use it in introductory plant pathology courses and to share it with the public when they say, “You’re a what? Plant pathologist?” – Alejandra Huerta, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, USA

Essential reading for students of all levels: from the scientifically curious layperson to the seasoned specialist. – Charles Mitchell, Professor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

This treatise is impressive in its comprehensive and understandable introduction to the basic biology of diverse plant pathogens, and the complex interactions that they have with their plant hosts. There is a lot to learn and think about in this book! – Steven E. Lindow, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Table of Contents


Part 1: Plant Pathogens and Disease

  1. Thinking like a plant disease ecologist p3
  2. How to be a plant p15
  3. How to be a fungus p27
  4. How to be an oomycete p46
  5. How to be a bacterium p51
  6. How to be a virus p63
  7. How to be a macroparasite p71
  8. Types of plant diseases p83
  9. How to do disease ecology p97

Part 2: Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Pathogen Symbioses

  1. The population ecology of plant disease p125
  2. Spatial ecology p147
  3. Physiology and genetics p163
  4. Evolution p179
  5. Community ecology p203
  6. The plant microbiome p223
  7. Global change p249
  8. Disease management p269

Epilogue  p297

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