UCSC FERP and ForestGEO®


A major focus of the Gilbert lab is the UCSC Forest Ecology Research Plot (UCSC FERP). The FERP is a 16-ha mapped forest plot in the mixed-evergreen forest on the “upper” campus of UCSC, just at 25 min walk (through the forest) from the classrooms of science hill. It is a living laboratory and classroom, dedicated to long-term monitoring of forest ecology, with a special emphasis on spatial ecology. Created entirely by UCSC student interns and assistants, and the site of numerous student research projects, it serves to foster research and inquiry-based teaching about ecology and evolutionary biology in a changing world.
The plot includes ~23,000 tagged woody individuals larger than 1 cm diameter, with 33 woody species from 31 genera and 19 families. Oaks, tanoaks, Douglas-fir, and redwoods together comprise 3/4 of all stems. We are excited to be part of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute ForestGEO network, and follow their standardized protocols

Visit the FERP website, or Read more about the UCSC FERP and the Smithsonian ForestGEO network.

Posted in Research Blog.